Discover our Carpooling module, where you get to share rides with your colleagues and save on the transportation costs. You can use it for your personal use during weekend getaways or to commute together to work, you choose! Not only you will have a great impact on the environment but also save some extra money and create stronger bonds with your colleagues. Overall, it’s a great economical, ecological and social way of transportation.
Within the module, the employee can publish a ride including details such as date, time, price, if required, but also their preferred music, allowance of pets and much more. Trips can either be recurring (i.e. to work) or occasional (i.e. for a weekend trip). You can participate in the module as a driver and offer a ride or as a passenger looking for a seat. The Carpooling module creates an environment of sharing, bonding and saving, which is beneficial for both employees and employers.
Get to know the 12 different modules of Collaborative Perks!
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